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My literary path

I started writing poetry as a young girl in high school. Fascinated by life and all that was going on, I later, during my studies, also started writing short stories-lines. I wrote songs intensely throughout my studies, that my favorite “writing chair,” on the train, on the way to my study place, is now almost a myth. I published some of my poems in magazines: Novi obrazi and Litera, and also organized my 1st literary evening in Mariborska Pekarna. When I first got a job, I had my 2nd independent literary evening in the Radeče library, and joined the Celje Literary Society, of which I am still a member. So far I have published 4 books; three poetry collections and an autobiographical novel.

The last few years have been very intense for my creation. I usually create both poetry and prose at the same time, so the result was the publication of my 1st collection of poems Reborn, December 2018, which was created at the same time as my autobiographical novel: In the Field of Freedom, published only half a year later, in April 2019. year for the first collection of poems in November 2019, my second collection of poems was published, which I titled: In Infinity-Infinity. A year later, in November 2020, my 3rd collection of poems: Enchanted. I am especially proud of this collection of poems, as it is a literary critique, or. the review was written by a renowned literary critic, award-winning writer and poet, dr. Robert Simonišek, with whom it was a great honor and pleasure to work. You can read his review as an accompanying word to the poetry collection Očarana, and I am also publishing some of it on these pages .

2003 -... Member of 'Celjsko literarno društvo' (the Celje Literary Society)


My published books:

2018 - poetry book: Prerojena (Reborn)

2019 - novel: Na polju svobode (In the field of freedom)

2019 - poetry book: V neskončnost-Infinity

2020 - poetry book:  Očarana (Enchanted)

Publications in literary magazines: Novi Obrazi, Litera, Hotenja, Vsesledje.

Independent literary evenings and events:

Bakery (Maribor); Radeče Library, Špital za Prjatle (Celje), Ksaver Mešek Library Slovenj Gradec, Antika Celje.

Participation in presentations: Slovenian Book Fair, Festival of Poetry and Wine (Celje), Congress of Social Work, Literary Magazine Vsesledje.

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